Monday, March 29, 2010

Interact analytically and imaginatively with a text

Stage or Film a Scene (from either King Lear or Heart of Darkness)

* Each member of the group will watch at least three productions based on the play or novel.

* Each member of the group will write an annotated bibliography for the productions.

* Each member of the group will also write an essay responding to the other productions, especially with regard to the relationship between the versions and your understanding of the original text.

All of the above due Friday, April 16.

* Film or stage the scene. Thoughtful, imaginative use of theatrical elements is important.

* Write a behind-the-scenes newspaper article about the production. The article should include reflective quotations from every member of the group, discussing each person’s role and experience. The article should also discuss the relationship between your production and other versions.

The above due before the AP English Literature and Composition Test, May 6.


A Critical Blog for Future Students

* Each member of the group will read at least three critical essays about King Lear or Heart of Darkness.

* Each member of the group will write an annotated bibliography for the critical essays.

* Each member of the group will write her/his own essay in which s/he synthesizes her/his critical reading into her/his own (new) understanding of King Lear or Heart of Darkness. (This essay will have a works cited page.)

All of the above due Friday, April 16.

* Write a critique of at least two online help-for-students websites (Sparknotes, BookRags, etc.). (You will need a works cited page for this too.)

* Produce your own alternative "important quotations explained".

* Post all of the above on a blog of your own.

The above due before the AP English Literature and Composition Test, May 6.


Brianna Aloisio said...

Brianna A., Katina T., Andrew R.

Film Project: King Lear

Meredith S said...

Group: Meredith S., Nancy F., Sarah A., Marisa D.

Project: Blog-Heart of Darkness

Anonymous said...

Group: Terri, Frankie, Amy and Hayden

Project: Film-Heart of Darkness with elements from King Lear